VLVL--video rentlist addition

Scott Badger lupine at ncia.net
Tue Dec 22 19:07:54 CST 1998

Geoffrey J:
>Heskel Wexler's "Medium Cool"
>If my dope-addled grey matter serves me well, I remember this movie posing
>the moral dilemma for journalists, does one keep the camera rolling as one
>records events that contradicts one's personal ethics or does one stop the
>news recording and intervene. 24fps?

In the PBS series, Ethics in America (a role-playing round table on social
and moral ethics) one of the scenarios involves an American news team
traveling with an enemy unit.  The unit spots, and sets up to ambush, an
approaching American unit --- the reporters must decide whether to warn the
advancing Americans, their own countrymen, or remain apart from the events
and simply record - as was their agreement, in order to travel with the
enemy, in the first place - and as they certainly would have done if the
advancing unit had been American allies and not Americans.

Mike Wallace can't stop waffling back and forth and poor Peter Jennings
nearly breaks down in the end, frantically trying to keep up.

Scott Badger

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