Pynchon Blurbs Again

bgannon bjgannon at
Thu Dec 31 01:46:00 CST 1998

In the intro to Stone Junction, Pynchon misspells the names of the main
character and his mother ('Pearce' instead of 'Pearse').  Is this his way of
saying that he thought the book was sloppy but he was writing the blurb
because Mrs. P had asked him to?   Or is it just very lazy editing?


-----Original Message-----
From: Spencer Thiel <s_thiel at>
To: Pynchlist <pynchon-l at>
Date: Tuesday, December 29, 1998 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: Pynchon Blurbs Again

>At 3:11 PM -0800 12/29/98, davemarc wrote:
>> With the release of his book Slackjaw
>>(Tarcher/Putnam), graced by a rare blurb from Thomas Pynchon, who doesn't
>>throw around logrolling accolades like Rick Moody or Luc Sante,
>except when Melanie makes him...
>-Spencer T.

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