GRGR (15): Good & Evil (was Enzian...)
Doug Millison
millison at
Sun Dec 5 14:23:08 CST 1999
Don't forget -- in all this talk of moral relativism and an inability to
find Good and Evil in GR that don't dissolve beneath successive
deconstructions -- that at the heart of this novel, at its very center,
Pynchon has placed Pokler's tale and the relevations of how the Evil of the
Holocaust serves the development of the Rocket and all the Evil that the
Rocket serves, sustains, makes possible. I challenge anybody to
successfully make the case that Pynchon treats the Holocaust, in GR, in any
sort of relativistic way -- to the contrary, how anybody can read through
Pokler's story and come away without a clear picture of what is good
(Nature, for starters; the sanctity of individual human lives; & more) and
what is evil (destroying Nature's cycle of eternal return/rebirth, for
starters) is beyond me.
d o u g m i l l i s o n
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