GRGR (15): Good & Evil (was Enzian...)

Peter Petto ppetto at
Fri Dec 10 15:31:32 CST 1999

At 06:48 PM 12/6/1999 rjackson at wrote:

>But I don't think the point of the novel
>is to batter us about the ears with what we already know and believe
>(about the Holocaust, and colonialism, and industrialisation, and God,
>and whatever), but rather to make us begin thinking for ourselves again
>and questioning our preconceptions and not just soaking up all the
>propaganda and the pap that the power brokers keep pumping down our

and later

>For mine, *GR* constantly exposes Western history and morality as part
>of the problem. "The Holocaust" as we perceive it now (or, in 1974) is
>all tied up with this history and morality, just as colonialism and
>"progress" and mechanisation are.

I agree. When I first read GR it made me realize that the Holocaust was not 
an anomaly.

The fires that fueled it also fed much of what has been reported as human 
progress. And I was ashamed to find some of this stuffed deep inside my own 


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