The Rhenish Missionary Society ( is Re: GRGR (15): Good & Evil (was Enzian...)

Jerky tib at
Thu Dec 16 09:08:20 CST 1999

At 08:52 PM 12/15/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Cultural carpetbaggers, oh that will be fun to talk about at
>my family Christmas dinner, yes they just the people we need
>to stop, those nuns, who the hell do they think they are,
>trying to feed people and teach them how to read,

But they don't always do that, do they? Also, what charity they provide is 
offered up with ulterior motives which, when followed to their logical 
conclusions, would amount to nothing less than a form of cultural genocide.

>why the
>hell don't they stay home and really put their Phds to work,
>maybe teach the poor in the Bronx, oh yes, they do that
>already, well why don't those priest and nuns go into Iraq
>and protest the U.S. bombings, oh yes they are doing that
>already, well why don't they run when all the others run and
>abandon those people when the shit hits the fan, oh yes, I
>forgot, they are cultural carpetbaggers,

Yeah, that Catholic Church... it's all good! Nothing wrong there, eh?

>  but those guys on
>the Tube,

What do "those guys on the tube" have to do with anything?

>now those guys are the best of the bunch, worthy
>of Sainthood.

Nobody is worthy of Sainthood.  That's the whole point of this thread, I think.


You can't run a country on a book of religion
Not by a heap or a lump or a smidgen
Some foolish rules
Of ancient date
Designed to make you all feel great
While you fold, spindle and mutilate
Those unbelievers from a neighboring state

Sacred cows make the tastiest burgers

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