GRGR (15): Good & Evil (was Enzian...)

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Dec 16 21:31:35 CST 1999

>From: Paul Mackin <
>On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Seb Thirlway wrote:
> >
> > Not wanting to make myself flame-bait. >
>What I want to know however is whether there is
>anything to back up the idea that the classic child molester
>would be likely to try to justify his action (to himself that is) on the
>grounds that the child WANTS IT? This would blow the whole game. I'd
>always assumed that the attraction of child sex is that the child doesn't
>even know what IT is.

You must be kidding.

Just check out NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association)(I think).  
That's their bottom line: the boys want it; let the young free to pursue 
love w/ a man.

Also, read Lolita.  A very sexy, disturbing read.

Not Humbert,

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