GRGR(16) non-verbal spaces

Josh Kortbein kortbein at
Fri Dec 17 16:44:40 CST 1999

Peter Petto writes:
>Terrance F. Flaherty wrote about the interpreted sferics, "Die Welt ist
>Alles Was der Fall ist":
>>Facts, quality is besides the point, moral judgments are not
>>part of the case, events are random, they simply occur, and
>>their meaning exists only in their facts, in their actual
>>occurrence. No ethics, no meaning.
>I don't believe this to be a proper interpretation of Wittgenstein's thought.
>I can't recall anything he wrote or said indicating that events are random. 
>In his Tractatus Logico-philosophicus (which opens with "The world is all 
>that is the case") he places meaning outside the world of facts -- beyond 
>some scientific zero.
>And I can't imagine him saying "No ethics, no meaning".

Certainly not!

It seems his approach to ethics, post-Tractatus, was much like his
approach to other philosophical problems. While that's admittedly
difficult and hard to apply, it's still a "system" (using the word
loosely) of ethics. :)

>I've often read that LW founded two opposing schools of philosophy, but I 
>suspect he felt otherwise. I believe that he felt that most people 
>misunderstood Tractatus, and his later work was a second attempt to explain 
>what he was getting at.

LW, in the 1940s:

	The basic evil of Russell's logic, as also of mine in the
	_Tractatus_, is that what a proposition is is illustrated
	by a few commonplace examples, and then presupposed as understood
	in full generality.

	[Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology, Vol I, sec. 38]

This and other things indicate that W variously wanted to save, reject,
or modify various parts of the _Tractatus_. In the _Investigations_
there's a lot of what-was-I-thinking kind of talk.


 say it, no ideas but in things -

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