GRGR(16): a thing so awesome Even Dzambul could not sing it
Terrance F. Flaherty
Lycidas at
Sun Dec 19 10:51:15 CST 1999
Lorentzen / Nicklaus wrote:
> rj schrieb:
> > Jeremy Osner wrote:
> > >
> > > Is the Kirghiz light a nuclear explosion? -- Because it sure sounds like
> > > one. But what I want to know is, who would be setting off nuclear
> > > devices in central Asia in the early days of WWII? Or am I mistaking the
> > > time frame of Tchitcherine's Kazakh sojourn? -- Because I wouldn't think
> > > the Soviets would have testable A-Bombs until after 1945...
> > It is Enlightenment of some description.I don't think it is the bomb,
> > although it could be, I guess. I once suggested that it might have
> > something to do with the Gnostic Light, or "Double Light", but the
> > resident experts at the time wouldn't have a bar of that either. Doesn't
> > the sun off the snow do strange things too?
> As I suggested before, this seems to refer to the Gnostic idea of NORTHERN
> LIGHT. In our rapidly thin running century especially Theodor Däubler has
> written explicitly on & out of this idea. But it also plays an important role
> in the works of Hans Henny Jahnn & of Rolf Dieter Brinkmann. In their works
> the idea has also 'naturalistic' aspects. So Eddins would may call them
> "Orphic naturalism". In case you haven't read my Däubler mail, I reproduce it
> here once more:
> "It is north (...)" (p. 358)
How would Eddins' "Orphic Naturalism" apply to these others?
> "Where the earth grows stiff, the night's breathin' northern shine. There a
> comet breaks open out of seeds, to stray through the darknesses. NORTHERN
> LIGHT IS THE TRUTH SIGN OF THE WHIT-FLAME. Above the heads of the different
> people it thus means reconciliation in the cold LIGHT, which is said to be
> prior to the enflamed creation's origin. The NORTHERN LIGHT promises: One day
> the earth will out of itself be a shining star. The northern light
> announces: The dust particle earth will be the freedom spark in the universe.
> This wish out of the dark star will never be fulfilled in the world of
> appearances: it shall be realized in the Spirit. That's what creation is
> made for, what wo/man is born for. The Son of Man stays among us, so that the
> Spirit may come on us to reign. When the northern shine is flickerin' above
> the ice mountains, it's indicating that the whit-flames are dawning through
> the people. When a human being experiences enlightment, a peony - visible for
> those who walk its glaciers - is licking in the polar night. The inner sun is
> dawning as northern shine: Northern shine creates awe inside the creature,
> connects us to peace, calls for freedom inside the human being".
> (m.o.p.a.t. from Theodor Däubler's "Idee des Nordlichts")
> It's snowing outside! KFL
It was falling, too, upon every part of the lonely
church-yard on the hill where Michael Furey lay buried. It
lay thickly drifted on the crooked crosses and headstones,
and on the spears of the little gate, on the barren thorns.
His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly
through the universe and faintly falling, like a descent of
their last end, upon all the living and the dead.
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