
rj rjackson at
Sun Dec 19 12:15:41 CST 1999

> "But *please* can we let this one slide."

Obviously not.

> Liking is fine now, "loving" os fine and erotic as well, but
> you also wrote "erotic as well as something "higher"). What
> do you mean by "something higher"??

like -- enjoy, endure, a sort of love-hate thing with self-consciously
ironic overtones
eg "I like discussing Pynchon with you, Terrance."

love (erotic)
See 'Strung into the Apollonian Dream' (754)
eg "I love ya honey" (Pamela A to Tommy Lee etc)

love ("something higher")
agapé, selfless love for one's fellows, self-abnegation on the say-so of
one's dad/Dad, und so weiter

But you didn't say whether or not you "liked" the paintings.

Caught the carols from King's College last night (last year's, Oneirine
time-modulation applies down here in the Southern Hemisphere). Even sang
along to 'O Come All Ye Faithful'. Gorgeous Delacroix (I think) behind
the altar. Couldn't remember past the first two lines of 'Hark the
heralds' though, damned heathen that I am.

'O jesu parvule
Nach dir ist mir so weh . . . '


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