The Gnostic Gospels

Robert Pirani rpirani at
Thu Dec 30 23:44:14 CST 1999

At 01:51 PM 12/29/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Some of you know a lot about Pynchon, although the
>depth of that knowledge is questionable in some cases
>(Morris, especially, writes some of the most idiotic
>things that have ever been said about Pynchon on this
>discussion board). But none of you know enough about
>the history of the New Testament or early Christian
>era to enable a thoughtful discussion on those topics.
>Stick with what you know, or read more about what you
>don't know (watching a TV documentary hardly qualifies
>you as an expert, rj).

What could we have been thinking of to venture opinions on a subject
without clearing it with you first, perhaps you could give us a rundown on
what would qualify as sufficient expertise so we don't inadvertantly make
the same obviously distressing mistake in the future. 

Biting my tongue until then,

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