Re.Re: "Wanda is Pynchon."

Howard, Jesse HowaJ at
Wed Jan 20 14:43:34 CST 1999

Why should we care whether the story is "real" or not?
It is plausible and entertaining - this is what we settle for in the popomo
theater we call American life.  Journalism, sports and politics, to name a
few, have been absorbed by the leviathan Entertainment, so why draw the line
at a conversation carried on by pseudonymous characters over a medium more
ethereal than real?
I only want more stories...


On Wednesday, January 20, 1999 2:30 PM, David Morris
[SMTP:davidm at] wrote:
> >Ah, then I am to be debriefed?[snip]
> >a rant on the burning of the Fort Bragg Library, and [snip]
> >Rupert Brooke and A.E. Houseman, as well as Pound,
> >Coleridge, and Emily Dickinson.[snip]
> >Yurok Indian mythology and Pomo Indian feathered baskets [snip]
> >haunting [snip]
> >non-indians being spirited over to Indian afterworlds[snip]
> >a letter extolling a new Philip Roth novel[snip]
> >E. O'Neill [snip]
> >his parents and the Tyrone nomenclature[snip]
> >"The Last Temptation of Christ," [snip]
> >Kazantzakis had been a great influence on him,
> >and that: "Tyrone is very much a Christ figure [snip]
> >handfuls of Callard and Bowser and other British sugar candies[snip]
> >Haight Ashbury and the Summer of Love [snip]
> >Richard Farina[snip]
> >the spirit of 1967 [snip] deteriorated and fallen apart[snip]
> >Extreme Northern California (Yolla Bolly and north)[snip]
> >(and there were fiction pages on this that read
> >like stuff out of Vineland as well)...
> >I fear I am boring you [snip]
> If you're for real, we're extremely jealous.  If not, we'd like you to 
> disappear.  Either way, get ready for a righteous pyrotechnic display!

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