GRGR Role Call

Alex Johnston lexo80 at
Fri Nov 12 11:49:29 CST 1999

>From: "David Morris" <fqmorris at>
>To: RICHARD_WILSON at, keithmar at, Pynchon-l at
>Subject: Re: GRGR Role Call
>Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 19:01:53 CST

>Calling all Lurkers:  Now is the time for all good (wo)men to...
>Speak up!

Well, okay, hello, then.  I'm new at this list and I won't bore you with the 
details of my great esteem for Pynchon, cause I'm sure you'd all know what 
I'm talking about.

The only book of his that's defeated me is V, though I've read GR twice, the 
second time with the Weisenburger book in front of me, and rate it alongside 
Ulysses as the Grtst Nvl n th Nglsh Lngg f th Cntry.  Currently almost 
exactly halfway through M&D.

Pardon me if I don't say much more for the moment.  Youse all have far 
bigger libraries than I have - this much is evident from my brief trawl 
through the Archive.

Alex Johnston
Dublin, Ireland

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