GRGR Role Call (was Re: Dear Murthy: Spurious)

Cjhurtt6 at Cjhurtt6 at
Sun Nov 14 13:00:09 CST 1999

In a message dated 11/12/99 7:24:46 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
random at writes:

<< Just went through Tchicherine's (sorry, have forgotten spelling) meeting
 Tyrone at Peenemunde this morning, and the wonderful concept of Scwartz...
 argh, it's been a long day... nope the word has been forgotten.  Help anyone?

schwartzgerat..the black device or something to that effect.

 Seemed like a sort of critical notion- there's an earlier bit about
 solidity being a function of one's awareness of time that's also
 delightful- but this notion of a cloud?  A shadow?  Of the universe's
 manifestation of one's fate.  Almost a sense of all identity, even in the
 simplest terms, extending beyond the form of the individual.  Hadn't really
 caught much of that, at least explicitly, before. 

i'm not really following what you are saying here. around what page number 
was the bit about solidity? sorry but i haven't been reading as much as i 
should be. but i will from now on.

 I tend to see paranoia
 as a primarily internal function, and one dependant upon, ultimately, a
 rate of change of perception of self in society.  Hence, directly tied to
 self discovery, hence... really not external, at all, regardless of outside
 manifestations.  But this Schwartzen something or other was an external
 phenomenon... very interesting...
robert anton wilson wrote a blurb(that maybe he stole) about how paranoia was 
a way into mysticism because it was one of the many ways to see that 
everything is connected. 

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