GRGR (14): Lemmings
Craig Leff
cleff at
Tue Nov 16 11:01:38 CST 1999
In article <pynchon-l.199911160925.BAA25498 at>,
jzog at (J. Herzog) wrote:
> It was false, ironically a Disney "True Life Adventure", and the BBC did a
> story on it round about the time of the last GRGR, when I first became a
> semi-lurker.
> J.
> (time for mouseketeer role call? yeah, I'm here)
Claim: During the filming of the 1958 Disney nature documentary
White Wilderness, the film crew induced lemmings into jumping off a
cliff and into the sea in order to document their supposedly suicidal
Status: True.
Synopsis: Lemming suicide is fiction. Contrary to popular belief,
lemmings do not periodically hurl themselves off of cliffs and into the
sea. Cyclical explosions in population do occasionally induce lemmings
to attempt to migrate to areas of lesser population density. When such a
migration occurs, some lemmings die by falling over cliffs or drowning
in lakes or rivers. These deaths are not deliberate "suicide" attempts,
however, but accidental deaths resulting from the lemmings' venturing
into unfamiliar territories and being crowded and pushed over
dangerous ledges. In fact, when the competition for food, space, or
mates becomes too intense, lemmings are much more likely to kill each
other than to kill themselves.
Disney's White Wilderness was filmed in Alberta, Canada, which is
not a native habitat for lemmings and has no outlet to the sea. Lemmings
were imported from Manitoba for use in the film, purchased from Inuit
children by the filmmakers. The Arctic rodents were placed on a
snow-covered turntable and filmed from various angles to produce a
"migration" sequence; afterwards, the helpless creatures were
transported to a cliff overlooking a river and herded into the water.
White Wilderness does not depict an actual lemming migration -- at no
time are more than a few dozen lemmings ever shown on the screen at
once. The entire sequence was faked using a handful of lemmings
deceptively photographed to create the illusion of a large herd of
migrating creatures.
Nine different photographers spent three years shooting and assembling
footage for the various segments that comprise White Wilderness. It
is not known whether Disney approved or knew about the activities of
James R. Simon, the prinicipal photographer for the lemmings sequence.
Origins: Nature documentaries are notoriously difficult to film, as
wild animals are not terribly cooperative. Many nature shows and films
of this era -- including Disney's "True-Life Adventure" movies and
TV's Wild Kingdom -- staged events to capture exciting footage for
their audiences. The sight of a few lemmings mistaking a lake or ocean
for a stream and drowning after swimming out too far, or being pushed
over a cliff during the frenzied rush of migration, has become the basis
of a widespread belief that lemmings commit suicide en masse when
their numbers grow too large.
Last updated: 27 February 1996
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Urban Legends Reference Pages © 1995-1999 by Barbara and David
P. Mikkelson
Burnam, Tom. More Misinformation.
New York: Lippincott & Crowell, 1980. ISBN 0-690-01685-9
(p. 140).
Charle, Suzanne. "Television; Hunting Wildlife with a Movie Camera."
The New York Times. 13 March 1988 (p. B31).
Corry, John. "'Cruel Camera', About Animal Abuse."
The New York Times. 24 March 1986 (p. C18).
Ferry, Jon. "Lemmings Commit Mass Murder, Not Mass Suicide."
Reuters. 6 March 1992.
Foreman, Judy. "How & Why."
The Boston Globe. 7 March 1994 (p. 30).
Maltin, Leonard. The Disney Films.
Crown: New York., 1984. ISBN 0-517-55407-0 (pp. 148-9).
Poundstone, William. Bigger Secrets.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1986. ISBN 0-395-53008-3 (pp.
Sagi, Douglas. "Scientists Demolish Lemming Legends."
The Vancouver Sun. 21 February 1992 (Diary, p. D2).
Craig Leff
cleff at
My opinions are my own and not those of NASA, JPL or Caltech.
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