leaving on a jet plane

keith woodward woodwaka at uwec.edu
Fri Sep 3 15:36:33 CDT 1999

See, McMullen,  I told yeh we shouldn't have reminded anyone that I'm up to
host again next week...

>     I'm heading out soon for a restorative month in England, during which
>     time I will be signed off from the list from both my accounts.  (After
>     today, I will be reachable only at the home e-ddress--until 8
>     September.)
>     I haven't asked her yet for this favor (until now!), but Niran Abbas
>     will probably know where I am most of the time and can be contacted
>     should any of you wish to find me (with requests for that *special*
>     souvenir, no doubt).  Looking forward to seeing our friends across the
>     puddle...
>     Chris

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