One Man's Meat

Wed Sep 29 11:12:34 CDT 1999

<< Down from the academy has trickled the poison of
 postmodernism, defined by a non sequitur: Knowledge is
 conditioned in complex ways by the contexts in which
 facts are encountered. Therefore facts hardly matter, only
 interpretations are real. Regarding literature,
 postmodernism elevates the critic over the author, whose
 meaning the critic does not merely discover, he creates
 it. Regarding history, postmodernism invests the
 historian with the heroism of an artist, creating reality
 rather than fulfilling the mundane role of describer and
 interpreter of reality. Facts are dissolved by the radical
 indeterminacy of our relationship to reality. Thus a
 biographer can sever the tether that ties him -- how
 tiresome -- to his subject, and can strut to center stage.
Say what?

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