Apocryphal GR

Mitchell R Coffey Mitchell_R_Coffey at vitro.com
Thu Sep 30 09:35:00 CDT 1999

These apocryphal versions of GR are - or were - well documented.  They are
impossible to verify now, however, for the simple reason that President Ford,
shortly before he left office, ordered all copies - but for one that he kept
himself - collected and burned.

There was something about these versions - some secret - that Ford for some
reason could not trust to the keeping of Jimmy Carter.

The strangest part of the episode is the disposition of that one last copy, the
one Ford plucked from the pyre and shoved into his overcoat, the night the other
copies, and other secret papers that could not be trusted to the Democrats, were
burnt in one vastly consuming bonfire lit on the back lawn of the White House.

Nothing was seen or heard of that last copy, nor suspected.  The assumption was
that Ford had kept it for one last read - at his leisure, now as a private
citizen having at last the time to give GR the attention it deserved - before
destroying it in private.  Then Nixon died, and just before they closed his
casket, Ford was seen to approach, remove the copy from his coat and place it
over Nixon's stilled heart.  The coffin was shut, the nails driven, and there it

Nixon's exhumation has, of course, been discussed at the highest level of
government.  Until then, all that we have is conjecture.

Although, some say - and this is only rumor, none but gossip - it is hard to
credit, but some contend that as friends, family and enemies there for personal
surety that Nixon was in fact dead, as they began to toss ritual clogs atop the
casket, Henry Kissinger was seen to walk away, something book-sized concealed in
his jacket...

Mitchell Coffey
I read a book on cognitive dissonance once,
but it only proved my point.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jp4321 at idt.net (jporter) at Internet
> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 11:40 PM
> To: pynchon-l at waste.org at INTERNET
> Subject: Apocryphal GR
> "Is God really Jewish?" asks Heinz Rippenstoss.
> In the official version of GR, the section ends there with
> the familiar
> film sprocket separator. But there are rumors, surfacing from
> time to time,
> in the more obscure and unofficial campus literary reviews,
> of apocryphal
> versions of GR, rarely seen these days, if at all, which
> continue on for a
> line or two more, in various places, i.e., additional text,
> conveniently
> omitted from the original.
> I may have been only dreaming- memory is such a trickster and
> sprite- but
> in the dorm room of a co-ed who'd kindly lent me floor space,
> on one or
> another cross country ramble in the early seventies, dog
> tired from the
> road, and just before I was overtaken by a well deserved
> sleep, I believe I
> may have encountered such an apocryphal version of GR. The
> following is my
> best recollection of what I might have read in that apocryphal text:
>         'Herr Rathenau? Could you tell me one thing?' It is
> Heinz Rippenstoss
>         the irrepressible Nazi wag and gadabout. The sitters
> begin to giggle,
>         and Peter Sascha to return to his room. Is God really Jewish?'
>         [end standard edition].
>         ...comes a voice, either Sascha, wiping forehead with a hanky,
>         or perhaps the vacated room itself: " Are we really
> all Golems?"
>         [end apocryphal version].
> jody

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