GRGR(10) Playlist addition: Kazoo Band

Jeremy Osner jeremy at
Sat Sep 25 18:39:40 CDT 1999

In my mind, page 225 is intrinsically linked with this song. It's by
Pink Floyd, from _A Saucerful of Secrets_ which came out in 1967, so
heck, I guess there's even a remote chance Mr. Pynchon had it in mind
when he wrote, "but wait... aren't these *kazoos* coming? Yeah, a
*lotta* kazoos! A Kazoo Band!

                           Corporal Clegg had a wooden leg
                               He won it in the war, in 1944.
                              Corporal Clegg had a medal too
                                  In orange, red, and blue
                                  He found it in the zoo.
                          Dear, dear were they really sad for me?
                           Dear, dear will they really laugh at me?
                           Mrs. Clegg, you must be proud of him.
                              Mrs. Clegg, another drop of gin.
                            Corporal Clegg umbrella in the rain
                                 He's never been the same
                                    No one is to blame
                       Corporal Clegg recieved his medal in a dream
                                From Her Majesty the queen
                                His boots were very clean.
                           Mrs. Clegg, you must be proud of him
                              Mrs. Clegg, another drop of gin.

We seek sex, and are left with two private bodies on a stained bed.
The larger erotic dream, the god, has eluded us. It is so whenever,
moving out of ourselves, we look for extensions of ourselves.

V. S. Naipaul
_The Mimic Men_

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