GRGR Re: German sadism

Doug Millison millison at
Mon Apr 10 11:43:42 CDT 2000

If  Nazi crimes don't amount to a uniquely "German sadism" (given their
very particular national cultural roots), what would you call them?  An
important question, I submit, in the context of GR in which we see
prodigious energy expended to trace out those roots and link them to their
criminal consequences, seen most vividly,  perhaps, but not solely, in
Pokler's story. Clearly, in GR Pynchon describes crimes perhaps equally
blameworthy in spheres far broader than Germany's particular national
example of the broader phenomenon of sadism, but that doesn't deny the very
specific description we get in GR of "German sadism".

d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n  <>

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