Next Pynchon book? (+ DFW Infinite Jest read on wallace-l)

Paul Mackin pmackin at
Mon Apr 10 14:38:27 CDT 2000

On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Joseph S. Barrera III wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm disappointed that I only found out about the
> GRGR 500+ pages in... Has anyone thought forward
> to what the next book will be?
> Oh and to prevent any similar disappointment over here,
> there's an Infinite Jest reading that's just started on
> wallace-l (also on 

Back in '96 when IJ came out there was what amounted to a quick group read
of it right here on the p-list. Shortly thereafter the w-list started
up, then was quiescent for a long time. Glad to see it going strong again.

Some fairly interesting commentary in the 1996 p-archives on IJ


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