pynchon-l-digest V2 #1187
Lycidas at
Thu Apr 20 12:45:48 CDT 2000
FrodeauxB at wrote:
> BTW, got my copy of Volume 24 Number 3, Fall 1999-er-late Spring 2000
> Oklahoma City University Law Review (we lawyers always get continuances,
> hence the delay until late Spring 2000). You know, the one about Pynchon and
> the law. Bet TRP can't wait for this one. It might even provoke him into a
> public statement or two, or-be still my heart-a novel full of lawyers. Kind
> of a written "Lawyers in Love", ya know. When ya'll finish GRGR, how about a
> discussion of OCULA Vol. 24, No. 3, Fall 1999 -er-late Spring 2000. I'd feel
> better in my own field and might even host an article or two. It's our list,
> after all.
Is that the Volume that includes part of Thoreen's
Dissertation--Brave New World Democracy; Manifest Destiny in
the Fiction of John Didion, Robert Stone, and Thomas Pynchon
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