Paleface Pynchon?

Seb Thirlway seb at
Mon Apr 24 11:55:40 CDT 2000

>>>  Not that you could ask for any
>>> Yes answers, but how many on the list WILL and DO walk
>>> the White Visitation to eat shit (Pudding), play
>>> Hansel and Gretel (Weissmann) "fuck the boy" (that discussion
>>> about Weissmann and Enzian) or fall in love with a
>But Pynchon *is* foregrounding the same type of abreaction that
you get
>watching 'The World's Funniest Suicides' or whatever on the
Tube, isn't he,
>confronting the reader with her or his complacency and
self-delusion? the
>"realities" we pretend not to acknowledge, as Dave pointed out?

Yes, agree completely - those scenes are disturbing for that
reason, and meant to be.  think Dave/Terrance and you have said
it all, so no need to for me to add anything.


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