grgr (25): the fork in the road america never took

Coffey, Mitchell R mitchell.coffey at
Tue Apr 25 09:50:13 CDT 2000

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Otto Sell [mailto:o.sell at]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 3:27 AM
> To: Lorentzen / Nicklaus; pynchon-l at
> Subject: Re: grgr (25): the fork in the road america never took
> The Road Not Taken
>      Two roads diverged in a yellow wood 
> (Robert Frost)
> Otto

This poem strikes me as applying, withal, to M&D.  I took the Mason-Dixon
line, the clear-cut border between slave and free states, as metaphor for
America's original sin and where we didn't go.

Mitchell Coffey
"Better sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian."

   - Herman Melville, Moby Dick 

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