GRGR(24) - Tripping

David Morris fqmorris at
Fri Apr 14 10:27:39 CDT 2000

Osbie Feel is a tripping fool.  Every time we see him he's zonked on either 
'shrooms, peyote, reefer, coke, "spices," or all of the above.  His film 
message to Katje has at its core the Trippers Dilemma: "Is what I'm seeing 
real or an hallucination?"  When all the "rules" of perception are thrown 
out the window, when what your senses "take in" might be a complete 
illusion, what does one "believe?"  It seems almost that Osbies multiple 
excursions into that land of uncertainty have made him a pro at this game.  
He's now able to see the "unreal" in our own "stable" non-tripping realm.  
He's way ahead of Katje on this learning curve.

Osbie is the Prophet of the emerging Counterforce, emitting wildly 
gesticulating auras.  Osbie is Katje's hero:
(536.20)Is this what she thinks it is?  Wakened from how many times and 
pushed away because it won't do to hope, not this much?
And then Osbie fills Katje in on "one or two things."

Next stop, Hell.

David Morris
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