jbor jbor at bigpond.com
Sun Aug 13 17:41:02 CDT 2000

And I'll accept the allusion as it applies to those (actual) parallel 
tunnels under the Mittelwerke. I think there was some homage going on in the
design, wasn't there? Where is it in the text again: Etzel (an obvious
reference to the infamous American lemon? also made of steel like the spokes
in the pulleys? thus equalling a Hitler allusion ... ) Olsch? I know someone
posted a link to maps and pictures of the works at one point. But ... but
... there are more than two or three spokes in that pulley, more than two or
three pulleys in fact ...


>From: jporter <jp4321 at idt.net>
>To: jbor <jbor at bigpond.com>
>Subject: Re: WWII in GR
>Date: Mon, Aug 14, 2000, 1:53 AM

> The double S is a referent not only to the SS, but to the double integration
> process at the heart of the inertial guidance system of the V2, by which
> acceleration is translated into velocity and then, by a second integration,
> a specifically preset distance, that defines the precise moment of......

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