grgr (34): pinball wizzard?!

Mark Wright AIA mwaia at
Thu Aug 24 07:30:54 CDT 2000


This is an old movie convention.  If an audience was to be invited to
sing along with the character on screen the lyric would be subtitled
and a little dot (the "bouncing ball") would hop from syllable to
syllable in time with the music.  I remember it was used in old Max
Fleischer cartoons dating from the 1930's, when sound in film was still
a novelty and movie palaces still competed with live burlesque and


P.S. Check out all the lewd old Betty Boop cartoons you can put your
sweaty hands on!!

--- Lorentzen / Nicklaus <lorentzen-nicklaus at> wrote:
>                       "follow the bouncing ball:" (760)
> does this, also refering back to 583, somehow suggest that the
> pinball machine 
> is a, well, "epistemological model" for the novel?! & if so: can this
> be 
> observed as a pop-cultural meta-framing of the text? how is gr's
> pinball machine 
> related to the video-games in vineland? 
>  kfl   

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