
Stacy Borah sborah99 at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 28 01:25:42 CDT 2000

To Whom It May Concern: (You know who you are)

I have only been a subscriber to this list for about a week now, and I must 
say I'm not that impressed.  I had expected an intelligent forum where 
like-minded persons could virtually convene and rationally discuss a common 
passion: Thomas Pynchon.  So, it was with great anticipation that the day 
after I entered my subscription that I logged onto my email site and 
discovered I had 65 new messages!  I thought, Cool!  Now I have something 
worthwhile to read in my email other than insipid and infantile jokes that 
friends of my roommate send me and offers of free goods/services that don't 
interest me.
However, when I finally read all the emails, less than 25% of them dealt 
with anything I found relevant.  There were some messages with very 
insightful commentaries on Tarot cards and binary oppositions and whatnot, 
but most of them had all these bickering little messages strewn into them, 
targeting certain members on this list.  And, I just want to say, "ENOUGH 
GODDAMNIT!!!"  I'm tired of sitting at my computer and thinking each new 
message will actually have something interesting within it, only to open it 
up and find another name-calling post or a personal jab at a faceless 
member.  I'll go back and re-read all my bound critical volumes on Pynchon 
that my friend copied off for me at Kinko's over 6 years ago.  They're 
well-thumbed and aged, but, Jesus Christ, at least my eyes don't have 
negative images of bitter emails on them after I'm done.  As of this email, 
my address will be taken off the list.  I really wanted to contribute 
something to this list, but I don't have any time to sift through all these 
emails just to find something interesting that I would want to reply to.
So, take care, guys.  I hope your little dispute gets resolved without 

Stacy Borah

>From: Paul Mackin <pmackin at clark.net>
>To: pynchon-l at waste.org
>Subject: Re: Uromania
>Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 21:08:15 +0000 (GMT)
>On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, Dave Monroe wrote:
> > It's an exhibition, not a competition--please, no wagering.  But am 
> > as to what you might (not) be referring to here ...
> >
> > Paul Mackin wrote:
> >
> > > A really nasty way to eliminate competition might be to suggest some 
> > > hypothesis that sounds really promising but that one has already 
> > > much sweat into trying to develop and which in the endhas turned out
> > > untrue or unsupportable like say because the math doesn'twork out or
> > > something. Naw, just kidding.
>Just a continuation of the jocular speculation about the
>possibility of p-listers' filching research paper ideas from each
>other--suggesting how such dastardly behavior might be carried one step
>further. No reference to real persons living or dead.
>			P.

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