Doug Millison millison at
Tue Aug 8 10:20:30 CDT 2000

Re some of the experiments a the White Visitation, news of this new 
book might interest some of you.  FYI, the CIA (mentioned by Pynchon 
in GR) has apparently conducted experiements in remote viewing.

MULTIDIMENSIONAL MIND: Remote Viewing in Hyperspace
by Jean Millay, Ph.D.
Foreword by Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.
A Universal Dialogs Book
Published by:  North Atlantic Books
510-559-8277 -- Fax: 510-559-8279
contact jprivateer at

We are all multidimensional beings.
We can see things our eyes do not see.
We can hear things our ears do not hear.
We can feel the body sensations of a loved one far away.
We each inhabit a brain/mind/body as a projection from a higher dimension.
We have the potential for conscious interaction with this higher 
intelligence, because it is hardwired into our four-dimensional 
maifestation in spacetime.
We have free will to develop the internal software to establish this 
We can choose a belief system to interpret what is received through 
that channel when we have firmly established the habit of 
inter-dimensional communication.

These statements evolved from over twenty-five years of research by 
Jean Millay, Ph.D.  Her book MULTIDIMENSIONAL MIND describes the four 
hundred free response telepathy trials and the thirty-five remote 
viewing experiments conducted with many volunteers during that time. 
Images were viewed and drawn by senders, while receivers attempted to 
draw the same image from a distance.  Other subtle levels of 
communication are explored with the use of biofeedback to enhance the 
synchronization of brainwaves of individuals and between couples. 
The book also includes an introduction several major theories about 
psi phenomena from other scientists, as well as a discussion of how 
dominant belief systems have imposed ridicule along with political 
limitations on research and especially on education, about this 
important area of human potential.  This book is a fascinating study 
of preceptions, memory and intelligence.  This is a limited first 
edition in paperback, with over 400 illustrations, most of them in 

	Jean Millay earned her Ph.D. in Human Science from Saybrook 
Graduate School and Research Center in San Francisco. She was 
president of the Parapsychology Research Group for several years, and 
one of three editors and a contributor to their 25 Year Anthology, 


d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n  <>

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