VV(5) - Underwater Themes

David Morris fqmorris at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 5 19:13:51 CST 2000

There have been so far (& will be many more) sea-linked names and images in 
V.   Let's list (I will not try to synthesize)  some of them.  Please add 
any not found here:

1.  Scungille Farm:  This is a very important one.  This refers to Stencil's 
dossiers which are largely "impersonation and dream."  The "nacreous"  most 
definitely links us to Henry Adam's earlier referenced thoughts about the 
nature of history.  "Mother-of-pearl" will also resurface later in a very 
big way having to do w/ a certain Godlphin.

2.  Godolphin:  I am about to search this name for significance, but does 
the fact that it includes the word "dolphin" have any import?  I know there 
are many who think Pynchon only plays with his readers in his choice of 
names.  But don't forget Porpentine.  "Porpentine" seems almost and 
adjectival application of the noun "porpoise."

3.  Porpentine: see above.

4.  Waldetar's imaginations about the submerged city now populated with 

This is very short list, I know, but I think it will grow like a 

David Morris

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