VV(5) - Underwater Themes

David Morris fqmorris at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 5 22:48:23 CST 2000

Thanks Terrance,

"God's dolphins" recalls the angelic visit to our recently departed Saint 
Elian.  Please fill us all in on which dolphin story you mean.  I know of a 
very good sci-fi novel which involves enhanced humans and enhanced dolphins 
living together in a water-filled space-ship. "Uplift Wars" was the trilogy 
title I think.

Please tell us also which porcupine story you mean.

David Morris

>From: Terrance Yes,  and there is that story about the dead being wafted to 
>shore by god's dolphins and the story of the porcupine in the cave and when 
>the wind blows cold they move close to keep warm, but they prick one 
>another and move apart, grow cold and so on, the dance of love and death.
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