V.V.(6) the gnostril pynchon

J L trailerman44 at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 12 12:16:49 CST 2000

can't get over the quality and economy of the writing in the
first couple of pages of chapter four.
esther's journey is a pilgrim's progress in an enlightened bubble
of new self-righteousness. some very human dichotomies and divisions
are set up and passed by; the religious imagery becoming more overt
as she arrives at the temple/surgery.
all setting up the (cf. m&d chapter 53/54) pornographic description
which follows: the mechanics of transfiguration.
it's even interesting that the Bridey Murphy story crops up just
when we're pondering that 'dreams and impersonations' stuff and
changes of identity by conscious and other means.

(plus i couldn't resist posting with this subject line - i've been
saving it up for ages)

JL, listening to _coppelia_
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