"spooky action at a distance"
Doug Millison
millison at online-journalist.com
Wed Dec 13 10:50:05 CST 2000
Otto mentions "The world is much bigger than it looks" -- another
quote from the NYTimes article
(http://www.nytimes.com/2000/12/12/science/12QUAN.html) I
referenced; this might also recall those vehicles and buildings that
turn out to be bigger on the inside than they look from the outside,
of which we find several examples in M&D and GR. Quite a bit has been
written about the uncertainty principle and Pynchon's works, and I
imagine there might be current Pynchon criticism that looks at the
way Pynchon deals with these recent advances in quantum mechanics
(quite a bit of the most surprising stuff has emerged since the
publication of the early stories, V., COL49, and GR), but I don't
know of any specific articles -- maybe somebody else has specific
references? During MDMD, we heard some intriguing suggestions that
Pynchon was in fact dealing with some of this "quantum weirdness"
(that's a technical term, I believe) in Mason & Dixon, but those
discussion threads didn't really go far. Vineland may have allusions
to this, too -- I don't remember anything concrete coming up in VLVL
regarding Pynchon's possible treatment of current quantum mechanics
concepts in that novel. I'd be surprised to learn that Pynchon hasn't
keep up with recent advances in physics and cosmology and that he
hasn't worked them into his more recent fiction the way he did in his
earlier works.e
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