"spooky action at a distance"
David Morris
fqmorris at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 13 13:56:35 CST 2000
>{{{{{[[[[[[check this out, from Dave Monroe's post from Michael Berube,
>Marginal Forces/Cultural Centers: Tolson, Pynchon, and the Politics of the
>Canon (Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1992), Chapter 4, "Against the Avant:
>Pynchon's Products, Pynchon's Pornographies," pp. 207-66:
>"preterition" may signify different things in different contexts, each of
>which asks for relational demarcation: what is preterite in relation to
>what? (236)]]]]]]}}}}}}
I second Terrance's commendation of the above. I think the same is true
with all of Pynchon's themes in GR and in V. Each of the themes are
"relational" in both direct and tangential ways with multiple meanings which
overlap and don't necesarily "fit" together into a clean whole.
Back in the GRGR I posted this, which seems to make sense in this regard:
"> Lay a Grid over GR. Now take the threads, color code them, and connect
the dots. Use thicker and thinner lines to indicate importance, over and
under too. Does a picture emerge from this Grid? Are you sure it's not
just your hallucination?
>If you were to take a comb to these woven lines and untangle them all, you
>would not "get to the bottom" of things, you would destroy the message.
>What we have is a psychedelic oriental rug whose knots are more intricate
>the closer you look.
David Morris
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