serious shit

fnicki dzolta batslug at
Wed Dec 20 06:39:52 CST 2000

sorry to break yall off
anyone else reckon we'll see some serious shit go down
in our lifetimes?

ie over population, depletion of top soil, depletion of natural resources
gm food fuckups, gm people fuckups, ai, another ice age, the super volcano under yellowstone blowin,
the 2012 end of the world as predicted by the mayans, egyptians, terrance mckenna,
a supervirus, the earths pole switchin etc

as all these things have evidence to show they will happen
and if this seems a bit silly to any of you
then religion is silly
and science is silly

we dont really know anything do we?

i mean,
we have microwave popcorn we can eat whilst watching a dvd on our flat screen tv,
sitting on a fire resistant arm chair in our designer boxer shorts
but isn't this due to us as a species directing our energies elsewhere
cos we cant answer the questions we really want to know?

we struggled like fuck to figure out the universe
and then thought
bollocks to this
i wonder if that runny black stuff in the earth can be burnt at different temperatures
to make different stuff for us to serve drinks in
or make safe, disposable film to wrap our sandwhiches up

i mean i feel fuckin lost
i look around and see the blind
slaving over menial jobs
to earn a pittance
so they can buy the food that grows for free everywhere
so they can own land
who's is the earth to sell, to lay claim?

im not expectin any answers
ill probly not even be worthy of acknowledgement
im just wonderin if any of you have the decency to admit you're as lost as i

or if you have successfully silenced that voice in yer mind
send me instructions

if ignorance is bliss id like to attain it

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