seriuos shit

John Atchison blicero at
Thu Dec 21 15:15:06 CST 2000

it is good to know that there there are people out there that understand and see this type of thing...i am afraid that it is not enough....mabye this sounds silly, but i often use to find myself agonizing over the garbage dump this world has become...i cannot bear witness to things that supposudly occured prior to my birth in this place and therefore cannot personnally account for the events that led to the demise, and slow rot of the human own is seemingly futile to resist...but it is very possible for things to change....i have  and will never give up on that....but when i am on my death some expensive hospital...that my imidiate family will have bear the burden of my death financially...and know that when i am dead and gone i will still have bills to pay...with gun toting maniacs in the oval office.....and teachers getting paid significantly less than the lawyers they educate....with a fucking savings and loan...turn your paycheck into liquer beer stores on every fucking corner of the global nation....grown men going into a bondage shop to jerk off to sick shitty, porn while they sniff RUSH and pop mini thins after they eat a fucking Mc Donalds hamburger Happy Meal...with a free chuckie doll from the new rug rats in paris movie...and televangelists asking me for money...psyshic friends telling me that the secret to my exeistence is just a 250$ phone bill away...."We love to see you smile" you open your wallet and buy this fucked up...greasy...chemically fabricated food...over 99 billion served is a fuck of a lot of money earned....trillions....all so they can have a contest that 99.9 percent of the time will tell you to try again...oh yeah...and that they are really sorry that you lost...and .1 percent of the time you might get a free box of cold fries...or hot...(i am not a complete pesimist)
    as far as global warming and phenomenae like that...oh yeah ...yadda yadda yadda...we ought to do something about that...and oh yeah man shit needs to change and revolution...and...we will talk about that after Seinfeld...which all in all is about a fifteen munite episode filled with commercials and a brand x bleach bottle crying because betty crocker just bought new ultra turbo liquid super Tied bleach...that kils up to 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
9999999999999% of that all the ones that live are resistant to the previous product that was 1 dot 9 less the meantime i will have plenty of time to think about the planes circleing over my fucking head excreting some kind of unknown substance that eventually blankets the earth below...or one of the myriad satellites that are currently in orbit around the earth...any one of which can pinpoint an ant on the surface of the earth with medium cloud cover....or any one of which armed with ICBM's pointed in my fucking face?....
God is not coming to save this place...something else is coming...and they are not asking twice....if you are down you're down...if not...see ya' 
Aaron Atchison father has been on this list for a very long time...i get on and check my mail...usually delete all this stuff...this is the first time i have written a reply to anything on this discussion seems to me that it is mostly alot of superficial intellectually contrived....but Mr Dzolta...there is something you can do....i know....just not here...
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