Happy Birthday, Karl Richard Lepsius!

Dave Monroe monroe at mpm.edu
Sat Dec 23 01:45:24 CST 2000

... ah, yesyesyes, my "glib dismissal of the significance" et al., well,
obviously not, else I wouldn't have spent all the time (not to mention
all the money) on the ferschlugginer (kai, Otto, Thomas, whoever, 'zat
actual German invective, or is it merely another Stan Leeism like, say,
"sheesh"?  Have been wondering for decades now ...) books, but ...
"shadow-play," "shadow dancing," baby (to quote the BeeGees) you do it,
albeit not necessarily "right."  Dish, yes; take, apparently not, so ...

You don't think Pynchon'd read his Jonas, Vogelin, whoever by the
writing of V., I'm skeptical that he'd (as opposed to a handful of
American academics--reminds me of an amusing anecdote concerning one of
Julia Kristeva's early vists here, but ...) gotten 'round to Derrida,
Barthes, whoever by the writing of Gravity's Rainbow, though in either
case Things were certainly, undeniable, inevitably, In The Air.
Further, in the former case, TRP certainly was Aware of his religion, in
the latter, he gives no small hint of at least a passing familiarity
with Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre, which might well have driven him
across that same threshhold as those soi dissant poststructuralistes, so

But this is nothing that I haven't written already "here," so ...
"foppish Wildean flaneur"?  Don't recall mentioning Oscar Wilde, but,
certainly, that is indeed another vector through which that
quintesentially modernist Baudelairean figure would have been
transmitted to that dandily indeed dude-farm-dressing, Arcade-strolling,
perhaps postmodernist Pynchonian schlemihl, who, as I've also written to
Th' List, acts indeed (as do Chaplin,  Lloyd, Keaton, Magoo, at al.,
thanka verra mush [to quote Th' king]; and that Ellisonian "invisible
man," along with that Kerouacian {Kerouacky?], er, "roadster," are
indeed other signals in the waveform here) in satirical,
"deconstructive" counterpart to Baudelaire's flaneur (but what of his
"man of the crowd"?) ...

Another violent agreement, then?  Well, I suppose any agreement is a
start, at least.  See you twixt the trenches for a round of
football--even A round football, in deference to the
non-Norteamericanos--Xmas Day?  But, alas, it will undoubtedly be back
to business on (Shadow) Boxing Day, so ...

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