Santa Claus ain't coming ...
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
lorentzen-nicklaus at
Sun Dec 24 03:10:49 CST 2000
interesting stuff. yesterday i also read something on it, saying santa claus
(- here we say: "weihnachstsmann") is actually wotan and the worship of him a
local nordic resistance against christianization. well, this might be the case,
and personally i also do integrate so called "pagan" elements into my spiritual
practice. however, the whole santa claus business is, these days, just a
commercial thing. at least that's what it is here. silly people wearing santa
claus heads since the middle of november, singing, in the subway, christmas
songs in an ironic way which is just to cover their shamefullness and spiritual
poverty. the waste land, actually. & when you, like me, have children you
really have to make up your mind how to deal with this. kirsten & myself
decided, not to kick out "pagan" elements in general, but to kick out santa
claus for the above named reasons. a few days ago yella, who will be 4 years
old in february, was asked by an old lady on the street: "na, mein kleines, war
denn der weihnachtsmann schon bei dir?" (- about: "hey, little one, has santa
claus already been to your house?"). and that's what yella answered: "nein, an
weihnachten feiern wir doch die geburt vom jesus-kind. das hat mit dem
weihnachtsmann nichts zu tun!" (- about: "no, at christmas we celebrate, as you
know, the birth of the jesus-child. this has nothing to do with santa claus").
the old lady was, well, astonished, myself i was - guess what? - pretty proud.
kai (- with snow in front of the windows, and a 40 bucks goose in the oven)
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