GRGR(19) - Notes to Yourself

Henry Musikar scuffling at
Sat Feb 5 22:36:45 CST 2000

F Q!

Grow (a real pair and shut the @#$%) up. Really. Your (only comparatively) 
valuable overblown, egotistically academic posts don't excuse your sickening 
(too weak to be venomous) attacks on list members rather than on their 
messages. Your continuing to mistake for someone else signifies a new level 
of derangement never before seen on this list.

Again, I apologize to the list for feeding this monkey's monkey, but this 
kinda thing goes on longer than it should partly 'cause there's nobody on 
the list anymore wants to stick their neck out/nose in when some idiot 
starts spewin' a lotta ad hominum. Where's Benvolia when I really need her?

>From: David Morris <fqmorris at>
>To: Henry Musikar <scuffling at>, pynchon-l at
>Subject: Re: GRGR(19) - Notes to Yourself
>Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 17:16:30 -0800 (PST)
>--- Henry Musikar wrote:
> > I'm a former tech writer.
>Your better days.
> > That numbering system happens to be Mil.-Spec.
> > standard. Somehow I always thought that everyone
> > knew it.
> >
>So, you also devalue the correspondence w/ page 60
>Kenosha Kid?  Well, you were also the one shocked by
>Slothop's rape, but that was in your cloaked days.
> > >Old saw say: Ain't none so blind...
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