Reductionism (1&2)

Juan Cires Martinez jcm at
Sun Feb 6 15:41:55 CST 2000

> [snip]                          What I had forgotten about until I got back
> home and looked it up was the reference to Garcia Lorca in the poem.
> Naturally, I was reminded of P.'s intro to Farina's _Been Down so Long_ and
> his description of their joint epiphany upon seeing a white horse on a
> green hillside, and their mutual knowledge of Lorca's "horse on the
> mountain." I wish I knew more about Garcia Lorca's work, including the work
> that P. references.

Ginsberg's poem is also one of my favorites, as is Lorca's Romance
Sonámbulo (Somnambulist Romance).  It begins (and ends):

     Verde que te quiero verde.           Green that I love you green.
     Verde viento.  Verde ramas.          Wind green.  Branches green.
     El barco sobre la mar                The boat on the sea
     y el caballo en la montaña.          and the horse on the mountain.

(if you excuse my butchering the translation).  It sings the story of a
man who has been fatally wounded in a fight and wants to die peacefully 
with a girl he remembers 

     verde carne, pelo verde,             flesh green, green hair,
     con ojos de fría plata.              with eyes of cold silver.

Saludos, Juan.

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