m&d: stingl on translation problems

Doug Millison millison at online-journalist.com
Mon Feb 7 14:15:01 CST 2000

Thanks for sharing that with us, kai. I wonder how the translators handled
these issues in the French version of M&D, which I think (could be wrong of
course) has been published. If I get really ambitious one of these days, or
somehow manage to graft a few more hours onto each of my days, maybe I'll
check it out.  Or perhaps we still have French subscribers to the P-list
who might share what they may know about the French translation. French
certainly has disctinct dialects (regional) to play with, as Pynchon does
with Dixon's diction. A  big split occurs between North and South, with its
Occitan (sp?), the dialect that uses "oc" instead of "oui" and which also
carries some cultural-historical baggage of resistance to Northern
hegemony, home of the Cathars and their ruthlessly suppressed heresy (which
Pynchon alludes to in both GR and M&D I think).  I don't remember enough of
the lectures I enjoyed at the University of Pau, given by a professor with
marked Occitan nationalist tendencies, too many years ago.

d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n

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