GRGR (20) Part 3, Episode 12: Summary, Questions, Comments

Lorentzen / Nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at
Thu Feb 17 02:38:58 CST 2000

Lycidas at schrieb:

> Freud and his
> epigones, Jung, Lacan, Foucault, and Derrida. 

  terrance, please ... just because freud is probably the only one you've looked 
  at a little bit closer, it doesn't mean the others, in one or the other way 
  more or less influenced by freud, are "epigones". 

> Kabbalah, at certain times in history, was
> compounded with a medley of non-Jewish conceptions
> (including popular christian notions) ranging from Tarot
> cards to the Trinity, and Pynchon as is his bent, mixes and
> distorts allusions to serve his narrative purposes

  the compounding of kabbalah with pagan, gnostic & christian concepts in gr 
  especially refers to the golden dawn system of magic(k) (see pp. 747-748), 
  which became widely known in counter-cultural contexts through the magical 
  revival since the 1960s.   



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