Writing Theory

Mark A. Douglas madness at airmail.net
Mon Feb 28 15:22:15 CST 2000

Okay, but did the question really come before the responses, or did it spring
from the responses being written (therefore causing the necessity of the
question)?  (Which I don't mean to sound nearly as sassy as it sounds.)  It's
just a humble opinion that COL49 (and Vineland, to an extent) sprang from the
writings of GR and M&D.


Tim Durkin wrote:

> I like to think of GR and M&D as responses to the same question.
> 49)  What's Oedipa waiting for?
> a)  dissemination, slow death, the brenschluss apocalypse       of GR
> b)  clashing systems, narrative and historical conflict,        but ultimate
> humanism in M&D?
> c)  either/or
> d)  and/both
> Tim

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