Question: Influenced by Pynch?

The Great Quail quail at
Tue Feb 8 15:47:27 CST 2000

Hello, Pynchon List.

Some of you may remember me as the Big Bird; I used to play a 
Listmember on the Internet, but then I had to drop off for a bit 
while I starred in a few walk-on roles in that "Life" miniseries most 
of us seem to find intruding on our Web time. I have actually been 
sort of following the threads, though, but I have noticed some 
changes, and I remain confused as to why one certain member writes 
"FQ" a lot, but it's good to see that the List is still filled with 
snipe-fodder and cheerful skewering as well as some amazingly 
insightful debates.

Anyway, I'd like to ask a question. Cooper Union in New York is 
tossing around the idea of a Pychon celebration, sort of like their 
Calvino celebration of last year. (Of course they have as about an 
equal chance of the "celebratee" actually showing up.) It is just an 
idea at this stage, and may not really fly; but I was asked to 
provide a lists of possible contacts -- artists, writers, and other 
such figures that have been inspired by Pynchon, and are selfless 
enough to admit this and maybe even give a little talk.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Please mail them to me privately, 
or to the List, whichever you feel like doing. DeLillo has already 
declined, by the way. Also mentioned: Laurie Anderson, Steve 
Erickson, and D.F. Wallace. Any comments on these names?


The Great Quail, Keeper of the Libyrinth:

Do you want to see what human eyes have never seen? Look at the moon.
Do you want to hear what ears have never heard? Listen to the bird's cry.
Do you want to touch what hands have never touched? Touch the earth.
Verily I say that God is about to create the world.
       --J.L. Borges

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