Doug Millison
millison at online-journalist.com
Sat Feb 12 11:21:08 CST 2000
Historical Nuclear Weapons Test Films [RealPlayer, .mpeg]
This site is the product of a recent joint effort between the US
Department of Energy and Department of Defense to declassify films on
the nuclear weapons program, place them on videotape, and make them
publicly available. Taken as a whole, the films document the history
of nuclear weapon development in the US, beginning with the first
bomb tested at Trinity Site in southeastern New Mexico in July 1945.
As the site notes, while portions of these films were previously
released, this is the first time the films have ever been edited for
declassification and public release. The films are grouped in five
sections, with listings giving operation name date, length of film,
and format (color or black and white). Clicking on an individual
entry for a film brings up a two-paragraph description and short
clips in .mpeg and RealPlayer format, the latter offering four
connection speed choices. Video purchase information is provided at
the site.
--The Scout Report
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