
Lycidas at Lycidas at
Thu Feb 17 12:26:14 CST 2000

Proceeded on down the hall, gettin' more injections,
inspections, detections, neglections, and all kinds of stuff
that they was doin' to me at the thing there, and I was
there for two hours.....three hours.....four hours..... I
was there for a long time goin' through all kinds of mean,
nasty, ugly
things, and I was just havin' a tough time there, and they
was inspectin', injectin' every single part of me, and they
was leavin' no part untouched! 

And the only reason I'm singin' you the song now is
'cause you may know somebody in a similiar situation. Or you
may be in a similiar situation, and if you're in a situation
like that, there's only one thing you can do: 

Walk into the shrink wherever you are, just walk in, say,
"Shrink.....You can get anything you want at Alice's
Restaurant".....and walk out. You know, if one person, just
one person does it, they may think he's really sick and they
won't take him.

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