GRGR - Squalidozzi (20)-Alien Rocketman

David Morris fqmorris at
Wed Feb 23 00:43:43 CST 2000

(436.24) [...] it is the 30th Century and swashbuckling Rocketman has just 
landed here to tour the ruins, the high-desert traces of an ancient European 

Could this be the tale of the Future-Slothrop returning to his roots?  He 
must be Superior to these ancients in ruins, his ancestors, he thinks as he 
descends the ladder from this tour-ship.

Slothrop seems to experience here an extreme disassociation, alienation:  
Rocketman returns to his origins, and it is dead.  I think we have another 
mirror-time-image.  Our protagonist is in a ghost town, but we must wonder 
if his solitude might be the result of his own death.  Might he not be the 
fading image, the shade, the ghost?

David Morris
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