Blasphemy for the love of eve

calbert at calbert at
Wed Jan 5 11:11:49 CST 2000

On 4 Jan 00, at 23:36, jporter wrote:

> JBF:
> >"His style has the desperate jauntiness of an orchestra fiddling away for
> >dear life on a sinking ship."  -- Edmund Wilson on Evelyn Waugh
> EW on EW?  I guess that ship's goin' down.

Just as I am gearing up with Vile Bodies... Waugh's comedies 
don't wear terribly well (men at arms an apparent exception), but 
the man had a way with a phrase, to wit:

(a british customs inspector is vetting the  auto-bio of one Adam 
Fenwick Symes) -

"The chief was at this time engrossed in Adam's memoirs, giving 
vent at intervals to a sinister chuckling sound that was partly 
triumphant and partly derisive, but in the main genuinely 

His elaborations on the residents of Boot Hall in SCOOP are not to 
be missed.


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