Disgusting English Comedy Drivel

Lycidas at worldnet.att.net Lycidas at worldnet.att.net
Sun Jan 30 13:36:56 CST 2000

Ralph Blunsom wrote:

> Well, honestly. I've never witnessed such a vitriolic, unprovoked attack in all my
> list days. Really, to conclude a discussion of two such execrable English sit-coms
> as Goodnight Sweetheat and Red Dwarf with the words "funny stuff" is beyond the
> pale. I'm sorry but to give a snapshot of English comedy like that really is
> offensive! It could have been worse I suppose, but only if you had mentioned
> Pauline Quirke or Noel Edmonds.

Sorry, fact is, I haven't watched more than 24 hours of
Television, that includes American, British, Mexican, and
even the Greek news, which I watch once and a while, in the
last year. I try to keep up with it so as not to be too out
of touch with my students, most of whom watch too damn much
TV. I grew up without the Tube and I can do without it. I
have nothing against it  here or anywhere else in the world,
though I think people watch way too much TV and I think the
newspapers are mostly crap because they are trying to
compete with it and most movies and magazines and most
books. So there, now you know I'm an asshole.  I think
children watch too damn much of it. Problem is, how do you
keep your kids away from it and not turn them into
out-casts? I let my son watch TV, cause I don't have
anything against it, but he had to bring one into my home,
cause I didn't own one. My son is not much for the Tube
either, but he does enjoy those programs on the BBC and I
laughed my Arse off watching them with him. Funny stuff.

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