what shall we read in the 21. century?

Lorentzen / Nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at t-online.de
Mon Jan 3 02:46:20 CST 2000

 in today's faz there's an article by harold bloom: "what shall the germans read 
 in the 21. century?". among other things like jokes about "eskimo-lesbian 
 studies" bloom sez: "since i'm not really familiar with contemporary german 
 literature, i'll name only some american candidates, that come into question 
 for literary survival in the 21. century. among our active novel writers the 
 best probably are: cormac mccarthy, thomas pynchon, don delillo and philip 
 roth". in one & the same breath he calls m&d and underworld "great narratives". 
 mccarthy's "blood meridian" (- is it a shame that i've never read anything of 
 this fellow?!) is for bloom "the strongest work" of a living american. then he 
 praises roth, whom he thinks to be underrated (- in germany, where marcel  
 reich-ranicki, the most influential critic, is pushing roth' work constantly,  
 this obviously is not the case)& whose next appearing novel "the human stain"  
 he calls a book of "extaordinary artistry and insistence".[- personally i liked 
 in the first place "the counterlife" [1986]]. 

            kfl/: ps: is harold brodkey already forgotten? his name was 
            mentioned only once, since i'm onlist. "stories in an almost        
            classical mode" belongs to my favourites. & "the runaway soul",     
            though i still haven't finished it, is a novel i often think about. 

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