What's the band in this story?

john w fail fail at cenotaph.org
Thu Jul 27 10:56:50 CDT 2000

bulbous, not tapered.

also, a tin teardrop.


In a previous message, JEANNIE BERNIER stated:

$Like a squid eating dough in polyethelene bag?
$> -----Original Message-----
$> From: pporteous at worley.co.nz [mailto:pporteous at worley.co.nz]
$> Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 11:57 PM
$> To: MichaelB; pynchon-l at waste.org
$> Subject: Re: What's the band in this story?
$> <<<<<<<<
$> I heard that Pynchon walked into a ROOM once.  Can anyone confirm
$> this story?  And if so, what type of room was it?  Was it, SQUARE?
$> <<<<<<<<
$> the room was fast and bulbous.
$> p

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